Objective 1
- Mencapai enrolmen sekurang-kurangnya 1,100 pelajar menjelang 2025
- Mencapai nisbah 1:8 bagi pensyarah klinikal dan amalan farmasi kepada pelajar tahun akhir klinikal
- Mencapai nisbah 1:15 bagi keseluruhan kakitangan akademik kepada pelajar program farmasi
- To achieve an enrolment of at least 1,100 students by 2025
- To achieve a 1:8 ratio of clinical and pharmacy practice lecturers to Bachelor of Pharmacy final-year students
- To achieve a 1:15 ratio of overall academic staff to Bachelor of Pharmacy students
Objective 2
- Memastikan 100% kurikulum melalui proses semakan sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam tempoh 3 hingga 5 tahun
- To ensure 100% of the curriculum has been reviewed at least once within 3 to 5 years
Objective 3
- Memastikan peningkatan peratusan pelajar bergraduat dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan (GOT) menjelang 2025 mengikut peringkat pengajian:
- 90% pelajar sepenuh masa Diploma & Sarjana Muda
- 90% pelajar Sarjana (Kerja Kursus)
- 15% pelajar Sarjana (Penyelidikan) dan
- 20% pelajar PhD
- Peratusan graduan dengan PNGK 3.5 ke atas
- 25% Diploma & Sarjana Muda
- 60% Sarjana (Kerja Kursus)
- Peratusan graduan dengan PNGK 3.5 ke atas
- To ensure the increase in percentage of graduate-on-time students (GOT) in 2025 according to study level:
- 90% full time Diploma and Bachelor students
- 90% Masters (by Coursework) students
- 15% Masters (by Research) students
- 20% PhD students
- Percentage of graduates with CGPA 3.5 and above
- 25% Diploma & Bachelor
- 60% Masters (by Coursework)
- Percentage of graduates with CGPA 3.5 and above
Objective 4
- Memastikan sekurang-kurangnya 50 graduan PhD bergraduat dari Fakulti Farmasi menjelang 2025:
- Memastikan sekurang-kurangnya 15% pelajar PhD adalah dari luar negara menjelang 2025
- To ensure a minimum of 50 PhD graduates from Faculty of Pharmacy by 2025:
- To ensure at least 15% of PhD graduates are foreign PhD students by 2025
Objective 5
- Memastikan keboleh pasaran siswazah melebihi:
- 90% (Sarjana Muda)
- 90% (Diploma)
- 5% (bekerja sendiri)
- To ensure the employability of graduates exceeds:
- 90% (Bachelor)
- 90% (Diploma)
- 5% (self-employed)
Objective 6
- Memastikan bilangan penerbitan berindeks mencapai 700 menjelang 2025
- To achieve 700 indexed publications by 2025
Objective 7
- Memastikan nilai geran penyelidikan mencapai RM 20 juta menjelang 2025
- To ensure the amount of funding from research grants reaches RM 20 million by 2025
Objective 8
- Memastikan kecemerlangan dalam pemindahan ilmu dengan mengkomersialkan 2 produk hasil penyelidikan menjelang 2025
- To ensure the excellence in knowledge transfer by commercialization of 2 research products by 2025
Objective 9
- Memastikan 70% pensyarah adalah berkelayakan PhD menjelang 2025
- To ensure 70% of lecturers are PhD qualified by 2025
“This document describes the policy for quality assurance and enhancement applicable to all UiTM campuses, faculties and departments. Through this policy, all responsibility centres (RC) shall ascertain the compliance with applicable standards and expectations. This policy governs the need for RC to monitor the effectiveness of their activities aimed at meeting the said standards, manage risk and confirm corrective as well as improvement actions in meeting university’s targets. This document will be referred to as The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Policy (QAEP)”.
-QAEP Version 2-