Online Sharing Session 2021 is a program organized by the Public Relations Bureau of Society of Pharmacy Students (SOPHYS) Faculty of Pharmacy Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Selangor Puncak Alam Campus. This program is a continuation of the Inter-University Online Sharing Session program organized in September 2020 by highlighting the topic of “We Care We Share”. In this session, new topic entitled “Multitasking Skills Make You an Awesome All-Rounder” was discussed.

This program was conducted to bring awareness to students about the importance of multitasking in life as a university student and also as someone with a career in future. Most students in the Faculty of Pharmacy were hesitant to participate in co-curricular activities for fear of jeopardizing their academic performance. Hopefully, this initiative would encourage students to become more active in co-curricular activities throughout their time as a student. The program was held on 5th May 2021 through a live stream from the UiTM YouTube channel from 2 pm to 3 pm. 

On 5th May 2021, the event was conducted according to the plan and questions that were collected from the students prior the event were asked to the panels. The session lasted for an hour and viewers were given the opportunity to ask questions to the panels via the comment section on YouTube Live Streaming in the remaining 15 minutes before the program ends. E-certificates were given to the students who joined the program.

Contact Us

Faculty of Pharmacy
Level 11, FF1 Building
UiTM Selangor, Puncak Alam Campus
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam

Selangor. MALAYSIA

Tel : +603 - 32584645
Fax : +603 - 32584602