Pharmacology-Toxicology Research Lab

  • PTRL is one of the laboratories under the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Selangor, Puncak Alam Campus. Welcome to our laboratory. We offer our services and facilities to all researchers from academia and industry.

  • PTRL Overview

    Pharmacology is the scientific discipline that studies the mechanisms by which drugs alter biological systems in an attempt to improve health and alleviate disease, whereas toxicology is the study of mechanisms by which drugs and chemicals in the environment produce unwanted effects.

    Analyses/ services/ facilities available : Extraction, antioxidant activity, plant culture, cell signaling, PCR work, western blotting, stem cell works, chromatography, flowcytometry, imaging, freeze drying of sample and animal activity parameters.

Reservation Application Form


 Charge Rate (RM)
Unit Charge UiTM User Semi- Government / Other Local University User Private Sector User
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) **1 Per sample 150 200  250
Freeze Dryer**1 Per hour 20 26 32
Refrigerated centrifuge Per day 100 150 160

Faculty of Pharmacy,
UiTM Selangor, Puncak Alam Campus
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam
Selangor, MALAYSIA
Fax No: +603-32584602

Contact Us

Faculty of Pharmacy
Level 11, FF1 Building
UiTM Selangor, Puncak Alam Campus
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam

Selangor. MALAYSIA

Tel : +603 - 32584645
Fax : +603 - 32584602